The WITS PSA Committee are pleased to announce that the WITS PSA Forums are available once again.

The WITS PSA member forums can now be accessed again from the WITS website using the Members’ Forum link (you must be a WITS member and logged-in to the WITS website). It should be possible to log in using the username and password you have always used for the forum. If your organisation is a WITS PSA member and you do not have an account on the forum but would like to participate, then please click the register link in the top right corner on the forum site and we will process your request as soon as we can.

Please accept our apologies that the forum has been unavailable for some time. During the period of downtime we have migrated the forum to a new host, solved a number of issues which cropped up and improved the backup strategy. We would encourage you to try logging onto the new forum and ensuring that your account works as expected and that previous articles you were aware of still exist and read as you expect. Should you experience any difficulties or notice anything wrong, then please contact or Mark Davison (who is the current forum manager) directly.

Why we made changes

The new forum is hosted using the same technology as the old forum and to all intents and purposes looks and behaves the same. The main reason for changing the forum hosting platform was to provide visible independence from WITS device vendors. We want WITS users to feel comfortable using part of the forum for their own private discussions. The new forum also corrects a few issues suffered by the old forum, in particular that the “remember me” check box will now work and prevent you from having to re-log in on every visit.

Once the current migration has bedded in, we will sever links with the remaining vendors (who have been helping with the migration). We will then put the user forums in place, ready for discussions prior to the next user meeting in January 2018.

Thank you Gavin!

The WITS PSA wishes to extend its gratitude to Gavin Rawson who has provided the forum hosting at no cost to the WITS community up until now. Gavin has volunteered a lot of his personal time in the management of the forum over the previous years and has helped with the transition to the new forum.

Mark Davison, Terzo Digital